The update first: I did see the doctor today and he said that I would need to keep that area clear for another two to three weeks, in other words keep wearing skirts in freezing weather. When I asked him if I could exercise he said of course, he had no problem with me exercising even starting today if I wanted. One problem, this activity usually requires ummmm.... pants or shorts of some sort... except maybe not in his world, but we won't go there. So I guess I will not be doing any running for a while, and I will be working out it the privacy of my own home. Lets all not try and picture that shall we.
And now really, no really my post for today. Have any of you seen the "Weekend Update" on Saturday Night Live when the news casters talk about a really frustrating subject and just keep saying "really" back and forth to each other. Well, if you have then think of the sound of that really as I tell this story. If you haven't then think of someone saying "are you serious" in a very annoyed tone, but then replace it with "really" and you will have the same effect.
I was at the girls gymnastics class, impatiently waiting for them to finish because my regular chatting buddy wasn't there and I had brought nothing to read or do, and heaven forbid I actually watch them do gymnastics. I did get so bored that I struck up a conversation with the guy holding a very cute little one year old next to me. He was there with his wife and other daughter doing a class and happened to know my friend, who wasn't there. They had even brought the friends daughter that night because said friend had just had her third baby girl a few weeks earlier. (I didn't say my chatting buddy didn't have a good reason for not showing up). As we talked about where we were from, what we did etc... The conversation of how many kids we each had came up. I informed him that I had three girls, two of which were downstairs in gymnastics. Of course I am a polite conversationalist and asked him about how many children they had (I should insert here that at this point his wife was now downstairs helping their unhappy daughter). He then informed me that they had two girls and were thinking about having more, but... his worst fear would be "to have another girl and then they would have three and no boys." REALLY GUY!? REALLY? Did he not just hear me say that I have three girls and funny thing, wasn't he helping a friend who had three girls? I mean that is fine if it is his worst fear, no matter how ridiculous that sounds to have as a worst fear to me, he is entitled to his feelings. I didn't say anything about how dumb his comment just came across to me, but I was seething a bit inside. To keep things in perspective, why should I care what he thinks, but when people are rude and tactless sometimes it really gets to me, especially when it is over something like the sex of children. Aren't the children themselves wonderful gifts (most of the time, when they are behaving) regardless of their sex and wouldn't so many people love to have children that can't regardless of their sex. I mean in what century and country does this guy live? I wondered if his wife had been sitting there if she would have said anything, but I am guessing she probably knows how he feels, she is married to him after all.
Anyway, I talked about this to the friend that was absent, due to the birth of her third daughter. I told her that I thought maybe the guy didn't realize what he had said and hadn't been paying attention. I mean we all say stuff we shouldn't from time to time, and I would feel awful if every dumb thing I said was held against me for forever. But, my girlfriend said that these same friends came over on a later date and he said the same thing again to them. I think the guy needs a brick to the head. Not because he should change his weird thinking, but because he needs some manners. I mean REALLY. We both have three girls and REALLY that is all there will probably be and REALLY we are managing just fine and don't feel as if we have somehow lost a big chunk in our lives.
Sometimes when people can't mind their own business and have the bad manners to ask me if we are done having kids and don't we want a boy I respond with "We have a boy, his name is Dad" We sure love him and while I love all the kids in my life boys and girl I don't think my family is horribly off for not having a little boy. I am sure he would be a joy, but so are our girls and REALLY if it is the worst thing not to have a boy than I am sure screwed up on what is wrong in the world like maybe the lack of a cure for cancer or poverty or hunger. But hey that is just me... REALLY.
LOL! Some people are truly clueless. Like a certain person who once told me how much she hated dogs, while I was holding Baby! I mean come on... clueless! Funny too though.
It's good to know at least some of us have brain cells. :)
Really... I suppose he could be justified in his manners if we got to pick the sex of the child out of a hat, maybe then.. but really isn't it his doing (not that he has control over it) the fact that he has three girls.
LOL -- that is funny! People are totally lame. When I found out I was pregnant again I all but prayed it would be another girl - but I was happy it was a boy too - there isn't much difference between him and my girls other than I have to make sure his little wee is facing the right direction when I diaper him. Some men are so stupid.
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