Monday, July 20, 2009

Last First Tooth

Our little girl lost her first tooth. She is our baby, at five years old. But this means that this will be the last first tooth in our little family, until grandkids that is. Once she realized that a fairy would be visiting her room to retrieve the tooth she could hardly contain her excitement. There was so much wonder about what the tooth fairy looks like, if she would take the tooth somewhere special and what she talks like etc... Not having met the tooth fairy personally I didn't have a lot of great answers. I have to say it is bitter sweet. A lot of last, firsts will happen when it comes to Adelle. Being the baby in the family, that is her lot in life. She will start kindergarten in a month yet another last, first. It does make me feel old and sentimental. I love the memories.


Anonymous said...

There's nothing quite like loosing a tooth. My boys actually got scared about a fairy flying into their room, one wouldn't go to sleep. She is adorable!

Lydia Moon said...

Oh so sweet! I can't imagine knowing it's the last first time for something. Cherish those memories and those sweet girls!

Rachel Doyle said...

It's always weird to think of "lasts" -- sometimes I think about this possibly being my last pregnancy and it makes me sad -- anyway you know you could always have another one :) hehe