Friday, January 23, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Dressed up to go out!

Cora is my dancer. She loves everything about dancing. She has even choreographed a dance to one of our Wizard of Oz songs, that she does for us here at home. It was such a wonderful experience this week for me to take her to the Russian Ballet performance of "Sleeping Beauty". We got dressed up, went to a nice dinner and watched three hours of ballet dancers. It was great. Cora said a couple things I don't want to forget. First: "The boys look really funny in their tights." (yes, they do) "Someday, that will be me dancing the part of Sleeping Beauty." (yes, it will) I love Cora my sweet little dancer.

1 comment:

Keisha said...

How fun! You both look so pretty!:) I still need to call you back I'm sorry its taking me so long!