Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I got a Golden Ticket

I got a golden ticket, well actually it was more fluorescent yellow and it said "Clinic Patient", not "Winner of a trip to Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory. But hey, I needed to find something good about the fact that I found myself at the insta care clinic yet again, on Sunday,and this time it was for me. Yes, folks I now have strep throat. All of the wishing, hoping and hand washing did not prevent me from getting the sickness my kids have managed to so kindly share...again. I had been hoping this sore throat over the last three days was just the beginning of a cold. I even convinced myself that I was fine enough to go to church and sing a duet for the Christmas program, but shortly after it ended I drove myself to the clinic so I could get on some meds and kick this thing. The truth is I don't have time to be sick, what Woman does? I have about a million things to do tomorrow not the least of which is take the kids to the dentist to get teeth cleaned. (I would cancel and reschedule but they are already four, five, maybe sixth months overdue.. but whose counting?...because I am such a great Mom and remember to take them for their six month checkups). So we are squeezing it in the end of the year. Anyway, the ticket I mentioned earlier is what the nurse gives you in the clinic once you have recieved your diagnosis so the pharmacy will bump you up in line to get your prescription faster. This translates to waiting 15 more minutes as opposed to 20. (Thank goodness for the extra five minutes). To top off the awesome day, and my awesome ticket it has been 7 degrees outside with a windchill of -5. But hey I am not complaining!! Santa is coming this week and I don't want to get coal because I was whiney. So Yippee for me...I got a golden ticket and medication to make me well.

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