Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A boy would know...

Today after another successful trip to the dentist, Cora and I headed to meet Shae for lunch. On the way to his office a very nice looking car pulled up next to me and then got in front of me in my lane. We were in pretty slow traffic so I had lots of time to check the nice vehicle in front of me out. I was trying to figure out what kind of car it was. In my head I pronounced what I saw on the trunk of the car as Maz- are- tee. What kind of car was a Mazaretee? Then I laughed out loud. Duh, a Maz-oo-ra-tee actually spelled Masarati. Well, give me some slack I hadn't ever seen one in real life and it took a minute for it to sink in. After all weren't we taught to read phonetically when we don't know a word on sight. I guarantee Shae would have know right off, what boy doesn't know his cars? I would be hard pressed to guess, since obviously I can't read either.

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