Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A boy would know...

Today after another successful trip to the dentist, Cora and I headed to meet Shae for lunch. On the way to his office a very nice looking car pulled up next to me and then got in front of me in my lane. We were in pretty slow traffic so I had lots of time to check the nice vehicle in front of me out. I was trying to figure out what kind of car it was. In my head I pronounced what I saw on the trunk of the car as Maz- are- tee. What kind of car was a Mazaretee? Then I laughed out loud. Duh, a Maz-oo-ra-tee actually spelled Masarati. Well, give me some slack I hadn't ever seen one in real life and it took a minute for it to sink in. After all weren't we taught to read phonetically when we don't know a word on sight. I guarantee Shae would have know right off, what boy doesn't know his cars? I would be hard pressed to guess, since obviously I can't read either.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Peace mixed with insanity

The kids are out of school for two and a half weeks. I love when they are home and we can just relax. There is no set routine, we sleep in, stay in our pjs and just enjoy being home...well most of the time. This morning Elise has been quietly reading a book while her younger sisters have played dress up, dance class and made projects. All was fairly peaceful with the minor skirmishes here and there. I went down to the laundry room to work on the clothes when I heard all sorts of screaming and yelling. I went upstairs to find Cora and Adelle fighting over a fork they wanted to use for the play doh. There was no talking to them so I just sent them to their respective rooms to calm down. I went down stairs to finish the part of the laundry I was working on while they cooled off. When I went upstairs to talk to each child I asked if there was a better solution to having one fork than hitting each other and screaming. Adelle told me that she just wanted to use it, but then we agreed that with so many forks in our silverware drawer she could probably just get another one. When I went in to talk to Cora (the one who was doing the hitting) I reminded her that hitting is not okay - and I asked if she could think of a better solution. She told me "well, I told Adelle she could wait until I was done with the fork, she got mad and yelled so I hit her." I explained that while telling her she should wait was a good idea the hitting wasn't and by the way... don't we have a lot of forks that she could have got another one? She said "yes, there are lots of forks, I just didn't want to get another one dirty." So in the end it is my fault...I try so hard to keep them on top of cleaning up after themselves that Cora is staying ahead of the game by not getting stuff dirty. Oh well, I never said I was mother of the year...okay yes I did, but that was just a joke. It is good to have a little crazy mixed in with the peace, it keeps me on my toes.

My Absolutely Adorable Girls

I got a Golden Ticket

I got a golden ticket, well actually it was more fluorescent yellow and it said "Clinic Patient", not "Winner of a trip to Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory. But hey, I needed to find something good about the fact that I found myself at the insta care clinic yet again, on Sunday,and this time it was for me. Yes, folks I now have strep throat. All of the wishing, hoping and hand washing did not prevent me from getting the sickness my kids have managed to so kindly share...again. I had been hoping this sore throat over the last three days was just the beginning of a cold. I even convinced myself that I was fine enough to go to church and sing a duet for the Christmas program, but shortly after it ended I drove myself to the clinic so I could get on some meds and kick this thing. The truth is I don't have time to be sick, what Woman does? I have about a million things to do tomorrow not the least of which is take the kids to the dentist to get teeth cleaned. (I would cancel and reschedule but they are already four, five, maybe sixth months overdue.. but whose counting?...because I am such a great Mom and remember to take them for their six month checkups). So we are squeezing it in the end of the year. Anyway, the ticket I mentioned earlier is what the nurse gives you in the clinic once you have recieved your diagnosis so the pharmacy will bump you up in line to get your prescription faster. This translates to waiting 15 more minutes as opposed to 20. (Thank goodness for the extra five minutes). To top off the awesome day, and my awesome ticket it has been 7 degrees outside with a windchill of -5. But hey I am not complaining!! Santa is coming this week and I don't want to get coal because I was whiney. So Yippee for me...I got a golden ticket and medication to make me well.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

All the adolecent girls :)

Okay, I will admit my adolescence, because I must be a little, I dressed in my Twilight shirt to go to the movie tonight. There were a million, or almost a million, teenage girls there dressed in their shirts as well. I loved the movie and had such a wonderful time with my girl friends. Here are some pictures Shae took of me to document my "youth"- just in case I forget how silly I am :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

An article regarding Prop 8

I wish everyone I know who is Mormon would read this article. If your not Mormon it is still very intersting and understandable.


Of spiders and such

Are there more spiders around this year than normal? I feel like there are. Generally, I am not afraid of bugs, or spiders, but this year they are really starting to get to me. I don't usually scream when I see one but I am quick to kill it and get it away from myself as fast as I can. Don't spiders usually go into hibernation? Is that just bears? I guess I could Google all this stuff, and I guess you are wondering why the obsessing about spiders today. Well, let me tell you a story:
On our way out the door to church on Sunday I realized it was freezing outside and should therefore grab a coat. In our garage is an area to hang coats so I grabbed one I haven't worn for a while. I threw it on, jumped in the car and off we went. I pulled down the passenger mirror so I could apply my lip gloss when I saw in the mirror behind my head a HUGE spider crawling up the seat. I yelped!! (that is a somewhat subdued yell) and turned in my seat and proceeded to smash the guts out of the spider. The yelp caused Shae to worry as did my beating of the seat and crying out about spiders, so he pulled over and stopped the car. I jumped out and started to wipe myself down and shake out my coat. I had in this chaos figured that the spider had come from inside my jacket. While doing the shaking coat dance on the sidewalk, in the freezing cold air Shae mentioned and pointed to another spider by my foot, apparently the shaking had dislodged it from inside my coat as well. So the shaking coat dance stopped and the stomping to kill the spider on the sidewalk dance started. When I could finally hold still sort of (I still felt like there might be spiders crawling on me somewhere) I got back into the car without putting my coat back on. I know that the spiders where either all dead or gone from my jacket by I just didn't want to take that chance that I might be wrong. As we drove off, finally on our way to church Shae said "Well, that was an exciting way to start our day at church."
So now you know why I am a little obsessive about spiders. I swear I see them every where since Sunday. Yes, mostly the spiders are outside and not causing me or anyone any harm, so I leave them alone. Maybe I am just a little hyper sensitive after my spider coat drama. But really, are there more spiders around this year than normal?

to post or not to post, that was the question...well to post I guess

Original post date October 10, 2008
I would like to apologize to all my devoted followers, Mom and well the one other person that probably reads my blog, I have just not been able to make myself write. I generally enjoy and even love writing and living out parts of my life here in the blog world but now there is school. School has me doing writing that is not fun and by the time I get around to my blog I don't much feel like coming up with more stuff to write. There is also the problem of what to say that makes sense and doesn't offend my reader(s). You know there are just some days that I want to get on here and go what the bleepedy bleep? and why the bleep bleep and so on. I try so hard to be middle of the road and not cause any contreversy, of course I need more than my Mom reading to cause contreversy but sometimes I am sure I could offend even her if I try.
So now I am going to come out of the proverbial closet and unload what has been on my mind lately. I have been "shy" to share because I am certain that most people I am friends with out there don't agree with me and will even be upset that I am taking an actual stand, but hey it is what it is. Sometimes we just have to realize that everyone doesn't agree and see things the same way.
First, in regards to the voting indecision I had. I decided and I voted for Obama, yes, I said it. Something funny that happened when I voted was, I messed up on my voting card and had to get a new one. I had already voted for Obama on the first and then decided maybe since I had to start again if I voted for McCain it would all be even. I could say I actually voted for both. Oh well, I didn't. I still voted for Obama and I am proud I did. I believe that he will make a good president. There are many other reasons I like him and many reasons I liked McCain. I would have been happy with either as President.
Second, I would have voted No on prop 8 in California. I believe that people of all marriage leanings should marry whom they choose. I know there are tons and tons of you out there that disagree on this point. I do understand your reasoning why, I just disagree with it.
I guess that is it. I know that many reader(s) will think I have gone off the deep end and I assure you I have not. I am in full control of my mental faculties. I just look at things differently than most would expect me to, I guess.
I realize I should take more time to elaborate on my leanings in both president and marriage but that would require more writing and I don't feel like it. So if you want to know where I stand and why, call me or drop me an e-mail and I'll call you back. I really don't want to write anymore about it.
Maybe my next post will be about something really exciting in my life: putting new door knobs on all the doors in the bedrooms yipee

Monday, October 27, 2008

Soup and Rolls

One of the things I like about the weather getting cold, is soup. I should qualify this by saying there aren't very many things on the list of what I like about cold weather so, soup makes the very short list. Today I made my first pot of broccoli cheese soup for the season. It is a great recipe that cooks in the crock pot all afternoon. I like to make rolls with this dish so we can dip it in the soup or eat with butter and honey. I got the rolls ready and the oven turned on when I realized that I needed to go pick Cora up from her friends house. I asked Elise to please take out the rolls when she heard the timer go off. I then drove away. During my drive I realized I never actually put the rolls in the oven or turned on the timer. I called home and asked Elise to do it for me. I told her I would wait on the phone while she did in case she had any questions (you know putting rolls in the oven and setting the timer can be hard, obviously I couldn't do it :). I waited and waited then Elise said "Mom, are you still there?". "Yes, I am. Did you put the rolls in the oven?" I asked. "Oh, I didn't know that I was supposed to." She replied. I have no idea why Elise thought I was still just sitting on the phone with her, but she did manage to get the rolls in and they were cooked and warm for dinner. I am so sorry that my absentmindedness seems to be hereditary. Poor kids. But wow, yummy soup and rolls.