Original post date October 10, 2008
I would like to apologize to all my devoted followers, Mom and well the one other person that probably reads my blog, I have just not been able to make myself write. I generally enjoy and even love writing and living out parts of my life here in the blog world but now there is school. School has me doing writing that is not fun and by the time I get around to my blog I don't much feel like coming up with more stuff to write. There is also the problem of what to say that makes sense and doesn't offend my reader(s). You know there are just some days that I want to get on here and go what the bleepedy bleep? and why the bleep bleep and so on. I try so hard to be middle of the road and not cause any contreversy, of course I need more than my Mom reading to cause contreversy but sometimes I am sure I could offend even her if I try.
So now I am going to come out of the proverbial closet and unload what has been on my mind lately. I have been "shy" to share because I am certain that most people I am friends with out there don't agree with me and will even be upset that I am taking an actual stand, but hey it is what it is. Sometimes we just have to realize that everyone doesn't agree and see things the same way.
First, in regards to the voting indecision I had. I decided and I voted for Obama, yes, I said it. Something funny that happened when I voted was, I messed up on my voting card and had to get a new one. I had already voted for Obama on the first and then decided maybe since I had to start again if I voted for McCain it would all be even. I could say I actually voted for both. Oh well, I didn't. I still voted for Obama and I am proud I did. I believe that he will make a good president. There are many other reasons I like him and many reasons I liked McCain. I would have been happy with either as President.
Second, I would have voted No on prop 8 in California. I believe that people of all marriage leanings should marry whom they choose. I know there are tons and tons of you out there that disagree on this point. I do understand your reasoning why, I just disagree with it.
I guess that is it. I know that many reader(s) will think I have gone off the deep end and I assure you I have not. I am in full control of my mental faculties. I just look at things differently than most would expect me to, I guess.
I realize I should take more time to elaborate on my leanings in both president and marriage but that would require more writing and I don't feel like it. So if you want to know where I stand and why, call me or drop me an e-mail and I'll call you back. I really don't want to write anymore about it.
Maybe my next post will be about something really exciting in my life: putting new door knobs on all the doors in the bedrooms yipee
1 comment:
Today was a very intense day...in NYC there was a rally...that began outside the temple...it was both intense and emotional for me. I adore you for your stance...it is much appreciated. Love you Carolyn.
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