Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's my fault

I have so many just plain airhead moments it is hard to keep track of them all but yesterday's was more memorable than most of the normal ones. I was in my swimming suit, driving home from the pool with my kids and two of their friends. We were at a stop light and the kids asked me a question. After turning around to talk to them I turned back around to face front and saw the light was green, so I hit the gas. Problem, twenty cars in front of me had not yet hit their gas, so I just ran right into the back of the guy in front of me. I pulled over, got out of the car, in my swim suit, (which was slightly more humiliating than having just blatantly ran into the back of a non moving vehicle) and exchanged information with the guy in front of me. This was completely my fault. There is not a good excuse for why I hit the gas before I realized there were all those cars, I just did. They say these things come in threes, these things being bad luck or karma. I am hoping this is not one of the three things, it is just a dumb, my brain checked out moment, and the rest of the week will be fine. But just by saying this I feel like I am tempting fate or pressing Murphy's Law. I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back in the Blogging world

What on earth could possibly induce me to write after an 18 month hiatus? The fact that I graduated from this place,, on May 14th? Or maybe going on a vacation to Disneyland last year or Utah this year? How about blogging about getting a job here, , now that I have officially graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in Music and Theater Studies? Nope, these reasons are not why I decided to blog at all. I have been given the gift of time, well sort of... I have graduated and my kids are out of school and I have yet to start my new job so we have been doing summery type stuff, if summery is a word? Well, I say it is for my blog so we have been doing summery stuff, ie: vacation, Popsicles, swimming, sleeping in (sometimes). This is what has driven me to my key board yet again, the summery stuff, or to be more precise, swimming. Yes, here I am again writing about going swimming at the city pool. I know years past I have regaled my 2 followers with stories about the pool and the funny happenings there but really it always seems to be such a traumatic experience the first time I go in the summer. Yes, we have been swimming before today, but that was vacation swimming. Doesn't vacation swimming seem like it is not the same? It is okay if you ate 5000 calories before 3 that afternoon and you feel a bit bloated in your swim suit, you are on vacation, it is okay to feel that way. But the first time at THE pool, the one where you will most likely see the same people you actually see in the community in normal clothes, it is not okay to have "that" feeling. I mean there was all the working out and watching what you ate and making sure you still looked okay in that five year old suit so you wouldn't have to go through the HORRENDOUS process of putting on multiple suits at the store. All that plus talking yourself into finally biting the bullet and just taking the kids to the pool already. So today was the day, and I was sitting in my pool chair watching my kids swim, reading my book and checking out the crew that I will most likely see every time we go to the pool and I felt ridiculous. Why? I mean really I get myself so worked up every year, DREADING, going to the pool. I have to wear what feels like almost no clothes and worry that I will be like this in front of what feels like the whole town. But guess what?! everyone else is too. I mean they are all in swim suits. Wow, what a realization, after how many years of taking the kids swimming and today I get that geez I am not the only person who has to wear a suit, to be in the pool. Of course there are the "odd" ones who stay fully clothed. I like to think that they either have sun issues or their kids can swim perfectly so they don't need to worry about bothering with getting in the pool. But everyone else is just like me, well, you know what I mean, we are all in our swim suits, probably getting burned because we forgot to apply our sunblock or forgot to reapply because we didn't realize that SPF 50 meant to reapply every 50 min. Not that it protects 50 times better. There you have it, my return to blogdom, all about my insecurities, again, amazing how self-absorbed I am. Not really amazing though, I mean who wouldn't want to write about their first summer pool visit as opposed to finishing college after going for 14 years?